28 November 2007
How Are You Found?
I was looking through the stats for WDC the other day on Google Analytics to make sure I installed it correctly.
I checked out things like total hits, unique hits, time on site, computer type, monitor resolution, etc. But the thing that really caught my eye was in the keyword section.
I just assumed that people would find WDC with words like "church web" or "church blog" or things like that. But this one jumped out at me:
How will my future benefit the greater good...I must say, it made me stop and think. First, it affirmed that there are people out there desperate to know their lives matter - that they have some purpose beyond just circulating oxygen. And second, I realized that these people may happen upon WDC in their search for purpose.
So what are they finding? Am I pointing them in the right direction? Am I just confusing them?
Or by stopping by did they sense the ultimate truth that I do what I do because of Him - because I was bought with a price and I try to put 110% toward helping others have the same opportunity?