21 September 2006
ICC (Day 1)
Mark Beeson (Just who do you think you're talking to?)
Session 1 opened with the Senior Pastor of Granger Community Church discussing the topic of relevance and the population we serve in our immediate communities. Music, drama and media were used to show examples of the modalities used at the church to reach the community with the love of Christ.
(Arts elements: Move Along and iDate)
Tim Stevens (What's buzz? What's worthy? What's buzz-worthy?)
Session 2 included Tim Stevens discussion on buzz and buzz-worthiness. The idea that buzz can be created and yet can also happen at times without determined effort. Buzz takes on a life of its own and can be leveraged in the cause of Christ.
Pop culture said to be the language of our day and if this "filter" is used, our impact on the culture can be more profound than if pop culture is viewed as evil or bad. You can Ignore, separate, Condemn, Embrace or Leverage the culture. It's up to us.
(Arts elements: PureSex ad campaign used to show the life of "buzz." The Date and Dirty Little Secret used from PureSex series)
Rob Wegner (Is anybody listening?)
Rob spoke on the influence of marketing and "noise" on everyone in today's culture. And how you never know the influence you can have on someone - the idea that every time we step up to the plate (do a service) there will be someone in the audience at the end of his or her rope.
Because of this our interactions must be intentional - abstract rather than a linear evolution of steps and preconceived ideas. What if we programmed our services this way?
Communication works best (lives get changed) when the following three elements/stories overlap:
- My Story (use vulnerability and humor)
- Their Story (taper the story to the focus audience and allow your people to tell their stories)
- God's Story (offer the historical dimension and the story dimension but don't end the story - allow the person to finish the story by asking follow up questions)
(Arts elements: Shane & Shane opened with worship. Numerous clips of GCC teaching pastors.)