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09 June 2008

Allow Me To Download

The team recently added downloadable video to the product offerings on

It seems like this would be a no-brainer with today's technology but there were definitely some glitches that kept us from doing this long ago. With files from 500MB all the way up to 2GB it isn't like you are making an MP3 available for download. And you also need an eCommerce solution that plays nice with large downloads.

But this aside we're finally able to make them available.

Due in part to an incredible team of dedicated web guru's that worked at it until it became a reality. Here's the rundown:

  • Matt: Hosting and ftp solution along with some slick behind the scenes work to make file management and uploading a breeze.
  • Jeanna/Lisa/Lindsay: Video acquisition, uploading, product creation, promotion, etc.
I love the fact that I get to brainstorm with these guys and then watch them knock it out of the park. We're in for a good ride in the Communications Department. The team is strong and ready for the next big challenge.